The process of Chinese eating
2 min readThe Courses
The first course is an even-numbered selection of cold dishes,eight or ten are traditionally served.After the cold course comes a showy soup such as shark’s fin soup or bird’s nest soup.The guests help themselves to the dishes at a banquet,but the soup is served by the host,and much drinking and toasting accompanies.Following the soup comes a decorative meat dish.More courses follow-lobster,pork,scallops,chicken.Between the courses,a variety of sweets are brought out.Peking duck with scallion brushes,hoisin sauce,and thin pancakes is often served in the middle of the festivities.Traditionally,the final course is a whole fish,which is placed on the table with its head is pointed toward the guest of honor.Throughout the meal,the guests pay elaborate compliments to the food.Enjoyment of the food offered is much more important than sparkling dinner table conversation.At a banquet,the food itself is the medium communicating the hosts good wishes and the joy of the celebration.

The Guest Gets the Best
The guest of honor naturally receives the choicest morsels,and is expected to lead the way when necessary.With a fish course,the fish head would be left for the guest of honor-and it is the most nutritious part(theeyes and lips are the valued delicacies offered to the senior lady present).
The platter holding the fish will always be laid on the table in such a way that the fish head points fowards the guest of honor(of family meals,the head faces the head of the family).If visitors find that they are the guest of honor and are unwilling to accept the duties involved,they should always delegate the honor to the person on their left,or politely turn the platter so that the fish head faces the host.
At the end of the meal,when the guest of honor feels that everyone appears to have had their fill of post-prandial brandy or ceremonial final cups of tea,he should rise.In theory,no other diner can rise until the guest of honor has,and such a social nicety has often resulted in a meal being very lengthy!Nowadays,however,the host will usually give an appropriate,discreet hint to the guest of honor.
In a restaurant,the signs that a meal is ending are more obvious.A bowl of fruit will be presented,fresh towels will be provided for wipingmouths and hands,and the final pot of tea-a ceremonial farewell greeting will not be refilled.