The Purpose of Flying Kites in Chinese History
1 min readThe Purpose of Flying Kites in Chinese History
A long time past,the Chinese made kites to use in wars.They would fly these war kites in the night.The kites were fixed so that they made strange sounds.The enemies were frightened and ran away.They thought those strange sounds were made by spirits in the sky.

The Chinese people flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops rich and tal1.Sometimes they would fly the kites over water,pulling hooks hung down to catch fish.

How to Make a Kite
In kite making extremely thin strips of bamboo or wood are used to construct a frame,which is then covered with paper or gauze.Painting and mounting are vitally important.The kites are made to resemble animals,figures and musical instrument.Some have rigid wings while others have movable ones.Some can even make sounds like an organ,a gong or a drum while flying.With the application of new technology to kitemaking,China has an ever-growing variety of these exquisitely shaped and patterned creations.