The Resort
2 min readOpened in May of this year, Walden Resort is the kind of place that sweeps you off you feet, and is the prefect synthesis of urbane comfort, modernity and rural simplicity. The resort’s Chinese name literally translated to ‘above the river’ , is a reference to the freeflowing Panxi River that lies direct whilst the hotel’s English name, Walden, pays homage to Henry David Thoreau’s ode to living a simple,natural life in the bosom of Mother Nature. Both names are perfectly apt,particularly the former one, and I’m sure that even Thoreau himself would be wooed by the resort’s finely crafted mix of nature, comfort, style and culture.

Driving through Deqing’s shiny wet hills on your way to Walden, the pressures and distractions of the city fall away each passing kilometre. the roads become narrower, the houses fewer and farer narrower farer betwee and the hills become more imposing as you wind your way through bucolic, steamy Deqing. Eventua Walden’s main entrance,which is well hidden in the dense bamboo forests that encircl the area like slender,inquisitively leaning giants,Set back from the road, you have to ascend neat, wooden stairs and follow a mysterious pathway before the resort reveals itself, which only serves to heighten the feeling that this is no e-mill resort. Indeed, upon further inspection, you learn that there is nothing ordinary about Walden Resort in the slightest, and if anything, the adjective that springs to mind when trying to explain the place is actually extraordinan.