The Three bridges
2 min readFirst bridge
The First Yangtze River Bridge at Wuhan was built over the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang)in 1957,carrying the railroad directly across the river between Snake Hill(on the left in the picture below)and Turtle Hill.Before this bridge was built it could take up to an entire day to barge rail cars across.Including its approaches,it is 5511 feet(1680 m)long,and it accommodates both a double-track railway on a lower deck and a four lane roadway above.

The second bridge
The second bridge,a cable-stayed bridge,built of pre-stressed concrete,has a central span of 400 meters The Wuhan Second Changjiang Bridge is 4678 meters in length(including 1877 meters of the main bridge)and 26.5 to 33.5 meters in width.

Its main bridge heads are 90 meters high each,pulling 392 thick slanting cables together in the shape of double fans,so that the central span of the bridge is wellpoised on the piers and the bridge’s stability and vibration resistance are ensured With six lanes on the deck,the bridge is designed to handle 50000 motor vehicles passing every day.
The third bridge

The Third Wuhan Changjiang Bridge was completed in September 2000.Located 8.6 kilometers southwest of the First Bridge,construction of Baishazhou Bridge started in 1997.With an investment of over 1.4 billion Yuan(about 170 million U.S.dollars),the bridge,which is 3586 meters long and 26.5 meters wide,has six lanes and has a capacity of 50000 vehicles a day.The bridge is expected to serve as a major passage for the future Wuhan Ring Road,enormously easing the city’s traffic and aiding local economic development.