The Water Supply and The Electric Power Industry Report in China
2 min readWater Supply
According to the“Eleventh Five-Year”Plan,the reconstruction of old water supply network which is over 50 years in service and the rebuilding of severely damaged water supply network in old city zones should be completed by the end of 2007.By 2010 the city water supply coverage should be no less than 95%.Waste treatment rate should be no less than 70%in designated cities and areas and the recycled water utilization rate in water shortage cities should reach 20%.
Great business potential lies in China water market.The annual production of water supply is to increase from the current value of RMB 60~70 billion to RMB 150-200 billion in 2010.The annual growth of the total water affair market is to maintain at about 15%.China is now reforming the water market,as well as the waterprice to create a better circumstance for investment and development.The next 5~10 year is the key period to the development of China water affair.

China’s Electric Power Industry Report
In 2005,China totally generated 2474.7 billion KWh with a year-on-year growth rate of 12.8%,which is lower than 14.8%in 2003 and 13.6%in 2004 yet still increase by quite a large margin.In the aspect of power consumption,the year 200. sti1l saw fast growth but somewhat slowed down.The whole society of China consumed 2468.9 billion kWh of electric power in 2005 with a year-on-year increase of 13.5%,declining 1.4%compared to growth rate in 2004.
As the Chinese government leveled up the requirements of environmental protection and established the energy policies of“thrift first,self-independent,taking coal as the basis to achieve multi-polar development and constructing a steady,economical and clean energy supply system”during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan(2006-2010),nuclear power generation,wind power generation,hydropower generation and other renewable energy power generation will speed up during this period.