The Wedding Ceremony
1 min readThe wedding ceremony itself was simple.Bride and groom were led to the family altar,to pay homage to Heaven and Earth,the family ancestors and the Kitchen God. Tea,with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup,was offered to the groom’s parents.Bride and groom bowed to each other and the marriage ceremony was completed.
In some regions both also drank wine from the same goblet,ate sugar molded in the form of a rooster,and shared the wedding dinner.

Red in Marriage
To the Chinese,red is the color of happiness,success,good fortune and prosperity.This tradition is thought to date back to prehistoric times,when early humans worshipped the sun.Red,therefore,is the dominant color at a traditional Chinese wedding-the hall is covered with red papercuts of the Chinese character for “double happiness”,the bride wears a scarlet wedding dress and the bridegroompins a red flower to his lapel.This not only adds a sense of merriment to the occasion,it also indicates the couple’s desire for a happy,prosperous marriage.