1 min readChinese music goes as far back as Chinese civilization and is highly distinctive from its western counterparts.

Chinese musical instruments can be divided into four basic categories based on the as the hugin (hu qin ) These are made of wood with a piece of snakeskin stretched method by which they are played. The first category comprises of stringed instruments such over the sou They have two strings and the bow is permanently lodged between the string category is plucked instruments, of which there are three types: e harp is made of either wood or bamboo with steel strings.

In the pasilk. The third category is the woodwind section.

These are flutes, pipes and Chinese trumpets, which use double reeds like the oboe but sound like trumpet. The 1 category 1s he percion section. The main instruments include drums, timpani, gongs and cymbals. For certain melodies, bells, xylophones, tuned gongs and the triangle are used.