Water Cube
1 min readThe Water Cube also called the National Aquatics Center is located along the western section of Landscape Avenue,west of the Bird’s Nest or Beijing National Stadium.It is one of the amazing architectural structures designed for the 0lympics.The construction of the Water Cube started from 2003 and was finally finished in 2008 just in time for the 0lympics.The huge structure is 177m×177m×30m in whole dimension occupying an area of more than 60,000 square meters.It is consisted of 4 floors,one on the street level,two on the higher elevation and one below.The first floor is open for tourists and the section belovused to be a service area during the Olympics.When visiting the Water Cube,you can enjoy the grandness as well as its design and construction innovations.The top ofthe cube shows some Chinese traditional values.The Chinese concept of earth being square while the heavens round became the central idea for the design.

Water Cube is located in Beijing 0lympic Park.

Admission Fee
Opening hour
Mon.to Thur.:9:00 a.m.~7:00 p.m.
Fri.to Sun.:9:00 a.m.~5:00p.m.

Take bus No.839,510 to the north station of Bei Chen Xi Qiao.
Take bus No.628,751,913,949,963 and Yun Tong No.110 to Wa Li Nan Kou.
Take Subway Line No.8 to the 0lympic Park Station.