What are the main differences between black tea and green tea?
2 min readBlack tea appeared in the Qing Dynasty.Incidentally“black tea”was translated into Chinese as“red tea”,which is perhaps a more accurate description of the color in liquid and gradually people have accepted the translation.This tea,being made from leaves more heavily oxidized than the green variety,is generally more flavorful.
What is green tea?Green tea is tea that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing.This type of tea is popular in China and Japan,and recently has becomepopular in the West,where people formally drink only black tea.The main differencbetween green tea and black tea is that green tea keeps the original color of the tea leaves without fermentation during processing,whereas black tea is fermented before baking.

What is Oolong tea?
0olong tea is a traditional Chinese tea.It is semi-fermented,with its oxidation time somewhat between that of green and black tea.The term“0olong ”means”black dragon”;and various legends describe the origin of this curious name.According to one legend,the owner of a tea plantation was scared away by drying tea leaves that appeared like a black snake.But several days later when the owner cautiously returned,he realized that the leaves had been oxidized by the sun.

Besides,it gave a delightful brew.Oolong tea leaves are bruised to oxidize underthe sun after their picking though not as long as leaves intended for black tea.
Tieguanyin from Fujian Province is considered the excellent grade of 0olong tea.