What is tuanbing tea?
2 min readTuanbing tea is a kind of compressed tea in the shape of a round cake.
Traditionally a tuanbing tea producer uses wooden pestle to pound fresh tealeaves into a cake shape.The production usually goes through several following steps:a.Steam and wash tea leaves.
b.Repeatedly squeeze the tea leaves in order to eliminate any bitter juices.
c.Grind squeezed tea leaves with spring water.
d.Put ground tea into a molding presser to compress and shape.
e.Bake the shaped tea cakes over a low fire temperature until it became completely dry.

When drinking,a tuanbing tea drinker pounds a tea cake to pieces first,puts them into a kettle,and then fills the kettle with hot boiled water.In addition,the drinker may add spring onions,ginger,and oranges to improve the taste.
In ancient times between the Song and Yuan dynasties,the tribute tea was categorized as tuanbing tea.In addition,tribute tuanbing tea cakes appeared with dragon and phoenix patterns on the surface,and thus named as“Dragon and Phoenix Tuanbing Tea Cakes”.

What is Kungfu tea?
Kungfu literally means“learnt skilled”and isa philosophy applied to any time-
honored pursuit of excellence.This style of tea-drinking is common in Fujian and other areas in southern coastal China.Local people prefer Oolong Tea when they brew
“Kungfu tea”.The gongfu teapot appears as small as a fist in size,and a tiny cup only as large as a table-tennis ball in half size.Each cup is just large enougl to hold about two small servings of tea.
Usually the server first puts Oolong Tea leaves in a teapot and then fills the teapot with hot boiled water.The server drains the water immediately,leaving the tea leaves behind.The draining is repeated one or two times for the practical purpose of washing the leaves.Then the server pours the tea into the tiny cups one after another continuously.Each cup of tea is expected to have the same flavor.After the procedure is completed,people start to savor the tea while exchanging local gossip.