When did the forms of traditional Chinese opera begin to be perfected?
1 min readOpera is the most ancient form of theater that still flourishes in China today.It combines acting,singing,poetry,dialogue and acrobatics.The origins of Chinestheatre go far back into history.Most elements of voice,instrumentation,dancing and acrobatics existed during the Han Dynasty.However,the operatic forms began to be perfected during the 12th century.

What are the performance features of the traditional opera?
It is generally believed that traditional Chinese opera has taken shape as an artistically advanced form of theatre.It conveys the idea of time and space to the audience through staged performances,and it features unique solo singing,refinedacting,rich percussion and irresistibly funny comedians.A performance focuses on four traditional characters.Actors or actresses draw on the tradition in which they are well versed to give performances without previous thought or preparation.

Originally,Chinese opera was performed before a simple backdrop,with the other three stage sides remaining open and empty.The setting itself was also extremely simple,but over centuries,actors or actresses have developed a set of sophisticated stylized stage symbolism.This includes a table,which might stand for an official’s table,a hill or a bridge.The action is based on illusion.Gestures,footwork and other body movements express actions such as riding a horse,rowing a boat,opening a door,going up stairs,climbing a hill or traveling.In a word,each action of a performer is highly symbolic.