Worship heaven,offering sacrorice to the sun,the moon and the star
1 min readThe worship of heavenly bo- dies,can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty.In ancient times, Chinese people attached great importance to the worship of the heavenly bodies–the sun, the moon,the planets and the stars,and also the earth.

The practice of ancestral worship in ancient China was a product of the close linkage of the present to the past,via familial lineage.The ancestral temple was the edifice that was erected to house the deceased during their sojourn to the next world.

During the Tang Dynasty,Confucius was greatly revered as an ancient sage.The Confucius Ceremony was the name given to the ceremony for offering sacrifices to the Supreme Sage and Teacher,Confucius.

People paste the Door-God to banish apparitions and evils and to guarantee the peace.Most tigures are the two generals,Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong of the Tang Dynasty.