Would you please introduce some poems written by Li Bai on wine drinking?
1 min readAncient Chinese men of letters might write poems or monographs after tasting liquor.The Tang Poet Li Bai is one of the greatest poets in Chinese history.
It is said that he enjoyed drinking very much,and some of his poems describe the pleasure he felt before or after drinking.Below are extracts from such a poem.
For the moment,drinking wine. Happiness is to be savored to the full.The golden cup must not face the moon untouched.Heaven born,my talents will find a place;A fortune spent in gold wil come back again.So roast the sheep and kill the cattle,And down three hundred cupfuls in a single breath For the moment’s pleasure.Inquiring of the moon,wine cup in hand.

Would you please introduce some poems written by Du Fu on wine drinking?
Du Fu was another well-known poet of the Tang Dynasty.He frequently used his poetry to expose social injustice and voice the suffering of the people.He came to Chengdu in 759,where he lived in peace and composed over two hundred poems.Some of these are associated with wine drinking.
A Friend Visits
So far from town,the food is very plain.And all we have to drink is this home brew.
If you like,I’11 call across the fence to my old neighbor To enjoy with us to finish off the last few drops!