Xining Souvenirs
2 min readXining isn’t generally considered a major shopping center but this can be a benefit as the prices tend to be a bit lower and the experience more enjoyable. There are definitely treasures to be had in the form of Tibetan jewelry, knives and swords, antiques, clothes a other trinkets and religious paraphernalia. The best place to shop for Tibetan goods is the Tibetan market a across from the main bus station on Jianguo Lu and the small shops outside the Kumbum Monastery.

Another specialty unique to Xining and Qinghai Province are handmade Tibetan and Muslim carpets. There are a number of places to browse and buy carpets, but the widest selection can be found at the No. 2 Factory located on Bayi Lu. While it may seem inconvenient to transport a rug all the way back home most shops are willing to assist with the shipping process. It’s also lot cheaper to buy a carpet directly from the factory rather than back at home.

For more guaranteed quality but sometimes significantly higher prices, you can find most local handicrafts in hotel gift shops. Some other places to check out are the Textile Products Building(fangzhipin dalou) on Xiguan Da Jie, the Qinghai Traveling Products Company(qinghai luyou chanpin gongying gongsi) and the Qinghai Antique Shop(qinghdisheng wenwu shangdian) across from the Xining Qinghai also offers a good selection of hard to find ingredients for traditional Chinese medicine such as the dongchong xiacao, which is thought to be good for respiratory ailments and xuelian(雪莲), which is particularly helpful for women.