Xinjiang Food Restaurants
1 min readWheat is the staple grain and mutton the most common meat in Xinjiang. Noodles (la mian), served in soup or stir fried, are plentiful. Cold noodles are welcome treat in the summer. The night market on Gaochang Lu near Wenhua Lu is full of vendors selling everything from kebabs of meat and liver to whole roast sheep. Xinjiang’s specialty pielau rice, cooked with carrots and chunks of meat is widely available. Restaurants gener ally offer dapan ji,chopped chicken simmered with potatoes, onions and bell peppers types: one which is a lit, a rice and mutton dish eaten with your hands. This comes in two peanuts; the other variety contains beef radishes, currants, dried apricots and eggs for mutton and onions.

On Laocheng Lu, near the bus station, is a bazaar that specializes in baked pockets of pastry stuffed with spiced mutton that serves as a hearty breakfast or lunch. One real treat here is the homemade ice cream shaved from a block of ice mixed with yogurt and sweetened with rice wine. It’s also a great place to sample Turpan’s famous raisins and other dried fruits or nuts.

Taichi Restaurant
Specializes in local cuisine.
Minmao Dasha, Laocheng Lu
24 hours
Grape Mountain Villa
Specializes in local dishes.

Grape Valley

24 hours
Huozhou Hotel
House specialty is Inner Mongolian lamb.
Gaochang Lu

24 hours
Oasis Hotel Turpan丝
Specializes in both Chinese and Western food.
24 hours