1 min readThe XO’in the name of this sauce is in reference to the exclusive Cognac that is so highly revered by the Chinese.It is said that in the 1960s chefs throughout Hong Kong were competing with one another to make their version of Xo sauce the most prestigious using the most expensive ingredients available.A major ingredient in the sauce is dried scallops,which is not only very difficult to get hold of(in some countries its purchase is legally prohibited)but arse-breakingly expensive Ready-made jars of the sauce produced in China,however,are never denied entry to Chinese supermarkets wherever they are,and therefore my strong advice to you is to buy a good-quality brand of ready-made Xo sauce instead of wasting your time and spending your cash

Makes about 650g
500ml Dried Shrimp Chilli oil
100g dried scallops,very finely chopped
100g Jinhua ham,very finely chopped

1.Heat up the shrimp chilli oil in a wok to a gentle simmer
2.Add the dried scallops and ham and simmer for 30 minutes over a low heat
3.Leave to cool completely before storing in a sterilized airtight container in the refrigerator where it will keep for several weeks