Zhuhai is a garden city
2 min readA GARDEN CITY
With plenty of places to sit and admire the captivating city views, its unusually large number of parks becomes obvious as a clear selling point for Zhuhai. Each of these urban oases is a place where you can easily lose track of time(so do be careful if you have to keep on schedule). All popular but not overcrowded, well-maintained but not sterile, the parks in Zhuhai are resplendent with life.

The hope to make Zhuhai a”park city”is the force behind a community park movement that started in 2012,and has so far spawned more than 100 parks across the city.The goal is to turn all the city’s fringes and refuse sites into greenbelts and continuously increase the total number of parks.

Summer Palace Park
The northern side of Banzhang Mountain hosts Shixi Park, where a man of letters in the Qing Dynasty was convinced that the scenery was a virtual twin for the landscape at Kuaiji Hill, which had inspired China’s greatest calligrapher to accomplish his masterpiece on a fine, late spring day in the year 353.
No one visiting Zhuhai should leave the city without checking out the Love Promenade,created with(and married to)the city’s golden coastline.A ride on this breezy stretch gives one the sensation of being outside of time;minutes and hours are rendered meaningless by its seductive maritime ambience,tropical breezes and evocative architecture.
The silky belt can be admired from numerous angles,at different times of day or year,but most would agree that sundown is the best time to enjoy the daily spectacle of enfolding waters growing still and dark as the city gradually begins to glow and beckon.
The city’s Love Promenade serves as a proud testament to how well a city can be rewarded for showing respect to Mother Nature with her indigenous flora,fantastic cliffs and boulders,natural valleys and many other gifts.
In 1998,Zhuhai was recognized by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(UNCHS)for its exemplary accomplishments in improving the living conditions in urban centers.
In Zhuhai, pinpointing the moment that the “concrete jungle’ disappears and the seascape begins, is nearly a futile task because at least half of the city lies up close to the caressing waves of the ocean. Here, everything around you seems to slow down, ease off and settle into an altogether more laid-back groove.A walk on its unrivaled seaside boulevard is proof enough of the city’s easygoing romance with life.